

This is the first post of the blog. The reason I switch from wordpress to the TeXt them using jekyll is because I want to have a easy to maintain or editing the post using markdown with simple text editor. Also, since the blog will be related to mathematics and physics, it is important for the system to support $LaTeX$.

Ideally, I also don’t want to have advertisement near my post. So I decide to use this approach. Hope it can help me to post things more easlily.

這是這個Blog的第一篇文章。我決定從wordpress轉換到這個用jekyll創造出來的靜態網頁原因是因為我想用簡單的方式編輯我的文章。目前最簡單的應該是用文字編輯器寫markdown. 當然因為這個網站將會用在分享物理和數學的一些心得。對於$LaTeX$的支援性因此也是非常重要。理想上,我也不希望讀者在旁邊看到無聊的廣告,綜合以上需求,我決定轉換我的網站。希望這可以幫助我更有效率的分享所學。